An amazing construction activity at Kansas City Life Insurance combines teambuilding and community service.
Customer Service Manager Kathy Elcock tells us that, “Each year, along with our fun and games, we try to incorporate some sort of community service to go along with our celebration. In past years we sent care packages to soldiers in the field and put together basic toiletry kits for disaster victims.”
This year the service team participated in a CanStruction event. During these events, sculptures are created entirely from canned goods, which are then donated to local food banks.
For Kansas City Life, the rules were simple and the results were extraordinary. Above are photos of the teams’ work which include a sculpture titled “Be the One to Stop Hunger,” a replica of the company’s office building, a sea turtle, and a cozy fireplace.
The guidelines for the event follow:
- CanStruction is a design/build competition showcasing the talents of design and construction of our Customer Service and Claims professionals. Teams are given a total of 1 hour 30 minutes to defy expectations, logic and gravity as they build fantastic sculptures from cans of food and other non-perishable items.
- During the Monday AM meeting we will divide you up into 4 teams. Each team will be assigned a 30 minute time slot on Monday to meet as a group to assign a contractor and develop a blueprint for your artwork. The construction of your design will take place on the 5th floor and each team will be provided with a 5 x 5 space for building and a sheet to cover your work in progress (NO SPYING!!!). You may not deface the food items or packaging in any way as they will be donated.
- Your contractor will then be charged with bargaining with the contractors from the other 3 teams for the canned goods and non-perishable items already donated to determine what might be needed for your creation. You may also donate additional canned goods and perishable items throughout the week to compliment your design.
- Tuesday through Friday each team will be assigned a 15 minute time slot to work on their project. You will need to consider whether your 15 minutes should be as a team, broken up into smaller groups or on an individual basis.
- All construction must be completed by 12pm on Friday. Judging will take place around 2:30ish. Winning Team will be awarded prizes. Although, everyone is a winner because all canned goods and non-perishable items will be donated to a food pantry to help feed those less fortunate.
Charitable activities were also seen in penny wars, a clothing drive, and canned food drive.