This activity was adapted from the classic activity book, The Big Book of Virtual Teambuilding Games.
In this activity, participants focus on communication skills and try to avoid talking over each other. The game can be played with local teams, remote teams, or hybrid teams via phone or collaboration platform.
As the group struggles to stop talking over each other, they may realize that they need a system, such as speaking in alphabetical order by last name.
Some groups will come to this realization and decide on a plan. Others will not.
The challenge is for the team to count up to the number of people on the team. For example, a team of 10 needs to count from one to 10. If two team members speak at the same time, the team starts from the beginning. When this happens, a different person must start the count-off.
Questions for groups that choose to collaborate:
How did you come to the decision to collaborate?
What became possible once you made the decision to work together?
Questions for groups that do not collaborate:
Why did you choose not to collaborate?
Was it a conscious choice or did it not occur to you?
What would have been possible if you had decided to work together?