To celebrate Customer Service Week, Systems Services of America created an event filled with movie trivia and an Academy Awards-style party where every rep was a star.
Weeks before the celebration, service manager Dianna Bailey-Thompson asked each rep on her team to write something special about every other person in the department. All of the comments were then combined into a “You Are The Star” booklet.
For the Oscar party, reps dressed in sparkle top hats and star shaped glasses and lined the red carpet to wait for the stars. Dianna called each rep’s name and read the compliments she had received while the rep walked, or danced, down the red carpet past cheering coworkers who blew horns and tossed confetti.
Dianna tells us that it was “a great way for the CSRs to celebrate each other as well as themselves and it was a huge success!” As a momento of the celebration each rep received a copy of the star booklet and an award for her desk.